Nigeria Celebrates 59th Independence day ( What has been achieved?? ).
Nigeria, a country which stands as one of the Giants of Africa after getting her independence in October 1st 1960, Celebrates the independence in memory of her freedom from unnecessary interference.
The Question we should be asking is after 59 years of long lasting peace, troubles strives and problems in different sectors of the country has Nigeria really gone far in terms of Full fledged development.
Most times, we often look at this country as one in which has been painted black and sorrow. Most of our youths don’t have full employment yet universities and other high schools graduate millions of students every year who if they don’t have anything to do indulge in cyber crimes which spoils the country’s name instead of promoting it abroad.
In terms of achievements in the continent of Africa we could only look at the Nigerian football federation(NFF) as this solely increases the chances of the nation being a very vital country in the sports world.
Nigeria also has different economic importance as she has vast lands that supply Agriculture and solid minerals resources which serve as raw materials for producing finished goods around the world.
Looking at the entertainment sector, Nigeria has big comedians and musical artist who have made waves on the billboards around the world but the problem comes down to the local sector as the country isn’t moving forward locally.
The level of corruption has brought down our integrity as Nigerians which has in turn reduced international trusts in different companies and organizations trying to survive on the sole proprietorships.
This is to ask you Nigerians What have we really achieved after 59 years as we celebrate our independence today ??. We should ponder on this singular taught from the federal government to the local sector we all should check the national budget as see if in the next 59 years Nigeria can be called a developed Nation.