Veteran Yoruba movie actor Oluwasegun Ajagbe has revealed some of the things that happened between him and his wife in London, including how she sent him packing and threw out his belongings.
In a video posted on the official YouTube channel of Kunleafod TV during an interview.
In his statement, he said:
“One of my ex-wife’s friends confessed to me that my ex-wife aborted her pregnancy when she heard that I was coming to London from Nigeria.
One day, I went out to search for a job, and when I got back to the house, I saw smoked cigarettes and alcohol on the table. When I questioned her about it, she threatened to have me arrested by the police.
My wife threw me out in the UK when I caught her having sex with a man in our home but. Cllck this link now and enjoy the full article without missing a thing!
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