Foundation donates palliatives to low-income earners in Abuja

Foundation donates palliatives to low-income earners in Abuja

Shelter Afrique Foundation, donates relief materials to 3000 low-income earners in Abuja to reduce the effect of the pandemic as President Mohammadu Buhari increases the covid-19 pandemic for one more week .

Pan African housing development financier, Shelter Afrique through its foundation has also donated palliatives to more than 4000 beneficiaries in Ivory Coast and Kenya where It has regional offices in residential Areas.

Mrs Elizabeth Ogonegbu, the Regional Manager for Nigeria, noted that the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown measures have placed an undue burden on those who work in the informal sector, which according to the International Labour Organisation, represents 86 per cent of the African Labour force. She noted that Speaking on behalf of the Managing Director at the handover ceremony in Daki-biyu Village.

These informal workers earn their living daily and have been gravely impacted by the restriction on movement which impairs their ability to trade and provide for their families.

“It is on this basis that the Shelter Afrique Foundation has provided relief materials to over 4000 beneficiaries across Africa; the relief package includes dry goods, detergents, and other staple foodstuffs.

She said “It is easy while ensuring the health and well-being of ourselves and our families, to forget that society is made of the many, not the few.

Society will have to come together to relieve the burden Coronavirus places on all on us; society cannot be the government alone; it is the Civil Society, Private and Public Sector.”

Shelter Afrique decided to partner with the A-ONE foundation, led by Arc. Ezekiel Nya-Etok to achieve this.

The Shelter Afrique Foundation supports Shelter Afrique’s advocacy and research work, created in 2016 the foundation had an initinal endowment of USD 1.7 million dollars and receives an agreed percentage from the Company’s profits.

While active in advocacy and research, this activity marks the first Corporate Social Responsibility of the organisation that targets low-income beneficiaries.

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