Waist Beads, Women Looking Sexy Is Not A Sin- Pastor

“Waist beads, women looking sexy is not a sin” –

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African waist beads

A Nigerian pastor identified as Oluyemi Fasipe has taken to social media to state that women dressing to look sexy is not a sin.

According to the pastor whose ose Twitter bio reads ‘Igbalode pastor’ a Yoruba word that means ‘modern pastor’, stated that he loves waist beads, leg chains and multiple ear piercings on women and wouldn’t consider women who wears them as sinners.

Taking to micro-blogging platform Twitter, he wrote,

His tweet was however not well received by Christians on the platform who criticized his doctrine.

A Twitter user @oga_charles wrote, “Calling yourself a pastor does not really make you a pastor in church of Christ that is led by the holy spirit bcoz even the church of Satan has a pastor too, just saying, not judging”.

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