A Few Tricks To Get A Girl To Like You.

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Most dudes do not have the technical know how to get a girl they want and admire and want a relationship with,

Heres are a few tips that could help;

Have an abundance mentality. There are 7-8 billion people on this planet and if you treat her like she’s the only one, it shows how desperate you are.

Don’t chase her, chase a better you. Trust me… having two people chasing each other is way more beautiful than one chasing the other. If a girl doesn’t like you, then change what you can and make yourself a better you.

Basic hygiene and manners. It’s super simple to shower, shave, dress nice, and use common manners; and they go a long way!

Understanding simple attraction skills. Getting people to like you is a skill, and like playing the piano or cooking a mean omelette, you can get better through perfect practice. Knowing attractive body language, how to flow a conversation, and nailing the trust factor are all keys to going from getting a girl to like you to eventually making her fall in love with you.

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